The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), one of the youngest and largest universities in Germany, is located at the centre of the Ruhr metropolis. It also plays a major role internationally, holding place 17 in the Times Higher Education Ranking of the world’s 150 best young universities. As a member of the University Alliance Ruhr with partnerships around the globe, it has a far-reaching network.
The motto “Open-Minded” stands for innovative teaching and research – and for diversity and genuine educational equality. An extensive mentoring system (among other things) helps make a student’s stay at the UDE a success.
The UDE is also strong on research. This is evident in many ways, not least being the steady growth of the fundraising sector.
Your contact:
Ruth Girmes M.A, Since 1994 she has been employed by the University, where her responsibilities include the central tasks in Career Services from designing and delivering career planning tools to employer relations. Beyond that, she's in charge of all areas of internationalization in this field from student and employee mobility to job orientation and career development in the context of globalization.
Because of diverse stays abroad she's familiar with strategic and operative methods of similar institutions in different countries. In 2003 she was engaged in founding the German professional organization “Career Services Netzwerk Deutschland (csnd e.V.)”.
Careers Service website:
Your contact:
Deborah Gronau M.A.: She is a career consultant at the University of Applied Science in Meschede. In individual consultations and seminars, she helps students to find their career path.
Deborah Gronau :