The International Career Service Network is a professional, personal and client focused service that is responsive, supportive and tailored to student and client needs. Our mission is to enable students to realise their careers goals, aspirations and potential through self-awareness, skills development, and knowledge.
Recently founded on the basis of a long year collaboration of career service professionals throughout Europe the members of the International Career Services Network aim to develop best and innovative practices through the mutual exchange of information and shared experience about employability at all levels in careers guidance.
There is increased concern in Universities that graduates should be well prepared for a rapidly changing and evolving society and employment market. The nature of our network underlines the added value of an international cooperation in this area of university activity.
We serve students throughout their University experience to help them understand who they are as emerging professionals and how to apply their academic and real-world knowledge and skills to their careers. We educate and support students and recent graduates on how to make sound career decisions, develop professionally, and attain their life goals.
Members of the ICSN network can provide students who have a european mobility project with various services which may vary from one country to another.​
Who can use the Careers Service?What for?
The International Career Service Network provides advice and information to all current students and graduates of its members. We also welcome postdocs, contract research staff and alumni.
What can we do?
Confidential career advice in one-to-one interviews.
Online job listings presenting permanent employment, vacation work, internships on our members´websites.
Online information about the whole application process, careers-related material and relevant careers information.
What can't we do?
Place you in employment or make applications on your behalf.
Translate your applications.
Provide you with service for work permits.
All members of the ICSN network are career services in european universities. They are here to help students to determine and fulfill their career goals through programs, counselling services, and resources.
University of Krakow
Contact : patrycja.supik@uj.edu.pl
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Contact : sergo.andras@jak.ppke.hu
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen Contact : gronau.deborah@fh-swf.de
University of Ljubljana
Contact : maja.dizdarevic@uni-lj.si
© 2018 by ICSN.